
We know that a good college experience is more than a matter of going to class, graduating, and finding a job. Your experience and success are highly dependent on a range of student support services and benefits.

Quality Assurance Guarantee

Students: A Herzing College student may retake any course with which they are dissatisfied, at no additional charge for tuition.*
Employers: If an employer feels a Herzing College graduate would benefit from retaking a course that had been completed within the last 12 months, Herzing College will allow the student to retake any course offered in the student’s completed curriculum without tuition cost to the student or the employer.

Course Audits

In keeping with our commitment to student success, we are very pleased to offer you the opportunity to audit any course you wish. This offer extends to courses outside of your field of study.* Some conditions apply.

Alumni Tuition Benefits

Qualifying alumni are entitled to one course (subject) at Herzing College, free of tuition, not including lab fees and textbook costs . In addition, alumni benefit from a 20 per cent discount on courses and certificates offered by our Kompass Professional Development division.

Microsoft Windows and Office Benefit

Herzing College students are eligible to download and install the latest full version of Microsoft Office 365. This allows them to work with the most up-to-date tools both at school and at home during their time as a student.

*Some conditions apply; please contact a campus directly for details.

Herzing Open Education Program (HOEP)

HOEP allows eligible students and alumni to enhance their skill development by taking additional courses from any of our other programs offered on campus or online— tuition free.*

Students will be awarded financial credits equivalent to the total tuition paid for their diploma program. Those tuition credits can be applied to enrol and take additional courses up to the total credit value of their diploma program tuition. Courses may be selected from programs offered at Herzing College or the Kompass Professional Development division.

*Conditions and restrictions apply. Please contact the admissions department at your local campus for details.

Herzing Open Education Program (HOEP)Herzing Open Education Program (HOEP)

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Why Herzing

For over 55 years we’ve been helping people transition back to school and into fulfilling careers

Herzing's career-focused training is designed to bridge the gap between students and employers. Our programs are built to meet industry needs and are continually updated to reflect emerging trends in each sector.

With frequent start dates and on campus and online options, our programs offer the flexibility you need to juggle your education with the demands of a job, family, and other activities.

At Herzing College we’re committed to helping you succeed. Our career development team connects you with a network of industry partners and provides ongoing employment support before and after graduation.

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