Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution: Accredited Online Arbitration Certificate

Gain a solid foundation in arbitration law and procedure. Learn how to conduct a full arbitration hearing and write an arbitration award. Prepare to achieve your Qualified Arbitrator (Q. Arb) designation.

The Role of Arbitration in Alternative Dispute Resolution

Arbitration is a popular form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). Other forms of ADR include mediation, negotiation, and facilitation. Arbitration is different from these models in several key ways:

  • The arbitrator functions like a judge, reviewing evidence and hearing arguments
  • An arbitration hearing is like a trial, but generally less formal
  • Unlike mediation, the arbitrator’s final decision is usually legally binding

Accredited Online Arbitration Certificate—Overview

The Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution certificate is a 10-week online course that fully prepares students to oversee hearings, decide outcomes, and write arbitration awards.

In this course, you will learn:

  • Canadian arbitration law and procedure
  • Tort law, contract law, and the rules of evidence
  • Structure and process of arbitration hearings
  • How to conduct an online arbitration hearing
  • Techniques for managing power imbalances and maintaining neutrality
  • Standard approaches to writing arbitration awards
  • Codes of conduct, ethics, law, and compliance for arbitrators in Canada
  • At the end of your course will take the Q.Arb exam.

Arbitration Mock Trial and Role Play—Practical Component

The accredited Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution certificate includes 14 hours of mandatory mock trials and role plays. This practical component will hone your skills and prepare you to arbitrate real disputes. Role play is a mandatory requirement for earning the Qualified Arbitrator (Q. Arb) designation.

Using video conferencing and online discussion, students will participate in:

  • Role plays on arbitration law and ethics
  • Role plays on applying arbitration principles
  • Role plays on pre-hearing conferences and rules of procedure
  • A three-hour mock arbitration
Young Afro Business Lady Smiling Sitting In Modern Office

Meet our instructor and learn more about what to expect with online arbitration training.


Career Options in ADR and Arbitration

Arbitration is used to settle a wide variety of disputes, including labour relations, business and consumer disputes, sports, construction, international trade deals, and family conflicts.

Graduates of our accredited arbitration certificate:

  • Meet the training requirement (40 hours) outlined by ADRIC and ADRIO to pursue the Qualified Arbitrator (Q. Arb) designation
  • May find work as independent arbitrators
  • May join an ADR and arbitration firm
  • Enhance professional skills that are relevant in their current career

Click to read our post about arbitration training and careers.

Pathway to Qualified Arbitrator (Q.Arb) Designation

Kompass is a long-standing accredited education partner of ADR Institute of Canada (ADRIC), a preeminent ADR professional organization.

If you are interested in earning your Qualified Arbitrator (Q.Arb) designation through ADRIC, Kompass can help. Please note if you applying for your designation through a provincial affiliate of ADRIC check their website directly for any additional requirements that may apply. Click for detailed information on the Q.Arb designation process through ADRIC.

Education (40 hours), Exam 

  • The Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution certificate fulfills the entire education requirement. The Q.Arb exam is administered as part of your certificate through Kompass. Register for the entire certificate.

Additional Q.Arb requirements (not available through Kompass)

Please contact ADRIC directly and refer to the Q.Arb criteria.

  • Pledge to comply with ADRIC’s Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct, Membership to ADRIC, Annual Fees, Continuing Education and Engagement (CEE), Insurance.

Course Schedule and Format

Instructor-Led Format

(Synchronous Components)

Instructor-led courses follow a set class schedule with a dedicated instructor and classmates. Students can work on assignments and readings when it works best for their schedule with weekly deadlines. The instructor posts in the discussion forum and hosts live online lectures and role plays via video call each week. Students can use those opportunities to discuss assignments, industry topics, etc. with their instructor and peers.

Note: This instructor-led course requires mandatory participation in weekly role-play and mock hearing scenarios.

Mandatory live lectures and mock hearings take place via video conference call on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM EST. Please note that these times and days are subject to change with notice. In the event a student misses a mandatory session, alternative arrangements may be made available.

2 weeks (40 hours)

This course will provide a detailed look at arbitration and its various processes. The provincial arbitration acts that apply to students’ jurisdictions will be reviewed. International arbitration law will be discussed, as will the Commercial Arbitration Act. Students will understand the legal regulation of the arbitration of disputes in Canada, including the standard for judicial review of arbitration decisions. Students will be instructed on how to draft an arbitration agreement between parties. Students will identify and apply natural justice principles that are inherent to arbitration. A four-hour mandatory role play will include conducting a pre-hearing conference call and presiding over a mock pre-arbitration meeting/hearing focusing on standard rules of procedure relating to establishing and conducting an arbitration.

2 weeks (40 hours)

All arbitrators must understand the legal system. Students will be provided with an overview of tort and contract law and how they relate to arbitration. The legal test of “balance of probabilities” will be examined. The rules of evidence will be introduced, including admissibility, the role of the Charter of Rights and Freedom in excluding certain types of evidence, and the standard of “balance of probabilities.” Students will demonstrate an understanding of and an ability to apply the principles and law relevant to the settlement through arbitration of disputes by participating in online discussions and role plays. A four-hour mandatory role play is included in the module.

2 weeks (40 hours)

Students will gain an understanding of the questioning, cross-examination, and redirecting of witnesses, the difference between an inquisitorial and adversarial approach to evidence, subpoenas, drawing adverse inferences, affidavits, expert witnesses, and other types of evidence. Students will learn about legal precedent and the role of legislation and case law in reaching a decision, as well as how to record evidence, write notes, and properly manage exhibits and evidence. Students will also learn the basics of writing an arbitration award in both points-based and narrative-based structures. A four-hour mandatory role play is included in the module.

2 weeks (40 hours)

Students will gain detailed insight into the structure of an arbitration hearing and understand the formal process. They will apply the ADR standard of practice and be coached on overseeing an arbitration hearing that respects the philosophies of impartiality, collaboration, dealing with power imbalances, and confidentiality. This course includes a major mock arbitration hearing. Students will be required to attend and must write and submit a decision regarding the hearing.

2 weeks (40 hours)

This course will focus on ethical compliance and obligations for arbitration and compliance regarding regulations and codes of conduct in Canada. This course teaches the fundamentals of the Code of Professional Conduct from the Canadian Bar Association and the Code of Ethics from ADR Canada. The module includes an overview of the importance of transparency, disclosure, and rules that are essential for arbitration to maintain legal legitimacy. Students discuss arbitrator-client conflicts of interest, the complaints process, competency, and credentialing of arbitrators in Canada. The role play will focus on practical issues that arise in arbitration, such as preliminary objections, jurisdiction objections, and dealing with everyday ethical dilemmas. This helps students learn to perform the duties of an arbitrator without any apprehension of bias or conflict of interest.


Meet our industry-expert instructors.


2025: March 10, May 5, June 16, August 25, October 20
10 weeks (200 hours)
Online (Instructor Led)
Post-secondary education (degree or diploma) OR experience in a related field

Online Dispute Resolution Workshop

This course is included free to those registering for an arbitration or mediation certificate.

Ready to start?

Certificates and individual classes start frequently!

Accrediting Associations


Accreditation and Recognition

Read our guide to mediation/arbitration designations in Canada for a helpful breakdown. 

This online arbitration certificate is recognized and accredited by the ADR Institute of Canada (ADRIC) and the ADR Institute of Ontario (ADRIO), and the course meets the educational requirement (40 hours) needed to pursue the Qualified Arbitrator (Q. Arb) designation. Completing an accredited arbitration course streamlines the process for acquiring the Q. Arb certification, which is nationally recognized.

Review a complete list of Q. Arb requirements here.

Who Should Take the Certificate?

Graduates of our accredited arbitration certificate are qualified to:

  • Work toward the Qualified Arbitrator (Q. Arb) designation
  • Join an ADR and arbitration firm
  • Become independent arbitrators

*Please note that some practice areas (such as family arbitration) may require additional credentials. Please consult applicable laws and regulations in your province or territory.


  • Post-secondary university degree or college diploma; OR
  • Relevant professional experience


Arbitration Individual Classes

The chart below outlines the cost of the Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution classes if you choose to take them individually. Once you register for three or more classes within a certificate, you will be charged the non-refundable $200 registration fee. Individual classes must be paid in full at time of registration – click here to register for an individual class.

Arbitration Certificate

A $200 non-refundable registration fee is charged when you register for an entire certificate. We offer a payment plan for tuition of three equal payments of $998 at week 1, week 5, and week 9, which will be automatically charged to your method of payment unless otherwise coordinated with accounting.

Kompass Alumni and Corporate Training Discounts

Students who successfully complete a certificate with Kompass are eligible for 20% off future certificates and classes. Group and employer discounts and custom corporate training options are available for three or more students.


*Students are responsible for purchasing these additional printed OR digital textbooks

ADRIC Arbitration Rules (Downloadable – Free)

The ADRIC Arbitration Handbook ($134)

Individual Cost
Introduction to Arbitration Law in Canada (2 Weeks)
Administrative Law (2 Weeks)
The Law of Evidence in Canada (2 Weeks)
Conducting an Arbitration Hearing (2 Weeks)
Laws and Ethics in Arbitration (2 Weeks)
Online Dispute Resolution Workshop – Arbitration (4 hours )