In this module, learners will understand the evolution of project management, the different types of project management styles, and the role of the project management office (PMO). Participants will learn the different methodologies and how to structure, organize, and execute with a deliverable-based methodology that better aligns with the realities of distributed teams. We will examine what steps led to senior management’s decision to proceed with a project, the what, why, and how of a project, and how to work collectively and collaboratively to achieve the objectives of the project. Learners will understand the key enablers and barriers to improved organizational accountability and performance in the virtual world. Using a current project or initiative, participants will apply strategies to gain clarity and commitment through the development of responsibility matrices and process maps.
Building and keeping a virtual team engaged and productive is critical to the online project manager, who must facilitate meetings and workshops where participants need to be heard and discussions must be focused on resolution and moving the project forward. Participants will better understand the benefits and challenges of online facilitation, gain tips to prepare and run an online meeting or workshop, and apply their learning to their own team meeting that they must share and critique.