Do you know the “secret sauce” of any successful social media campaign?
The Unlocking the Secrets of Social Media course will introduce you to the fundamental aspects of any successful social media campaign and account management. While algorithms change and more niche platforms become available, there are certain fundamental truths about social media content and user interactions that do not change.
The content breakdown of the weeks is as follows:
- Week 1: Content and storytelling, the concept and application of persona and how it affects social media pages, and what are the key common aspects of any successful social media posts. There is a focus on practice/hands on activities to understand how these concepts are applied in real-life situations
- Week 2: Exploring the top social media platforms (called in the industry “the frightful 5”), and which new platforms may become the next “big thing”. We also share proven strategies to keep anyone working or wishing to work managing social media pages always up-to-date and ready to take advantage of changes and new technologies