Policy in Practice delivers the essential toolkit to the public sector.
Public Servants are adept at tackling complex policy challenges, from concept to delivery. This complexity means that an increasingly broad range of skills is required if you are to be effective in government. This course will add new tools to your toolkit, sharpen your existing skills, and unleash your policy leadership potential.
Who is it that practices Policy? It is rare that any one person, or even any one organisation, is responsible for the identification of a particular problem, the generation of an original solution, the development of a specific proposal and the creation of the necessary support required to see a new policy implemented. These multiple layers of ‘policy making’ allow for a wide range of individuals and organisations to participate in the policy process. While the skills and knowledge required to contribute to different elements of the process may differ, an awareness of other participants is likely to be of use to all involved, if only to ensure that they develop the necessary relationships to ensure that their contribution is supported by others.