2 -weeks (20 academic credit hours)
Live Session Schedule: Lectures Tuesdays 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM EST, role play sessions (mandatory), Wednesdays 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM EST.
Learn the history and reasons for training as an intergenerational mediator. Apply the standards of practice to the work as an intergenerational mediator and acquire information and knowledge about Multigenerational families in Ontario. Analyze theoretical applications, biopsychosocial approach, Erik Erikson stages of Psychological Development, and ecological models to understand the reasons and need for multigenerational families.
Evaluate how multigenerational families in Ontario benefit from the expertise and support of a trained intergenerational mediator. Analyze characteristics of multigenerational families such as, skip generation and its challenges and understand crisis and prevention with intergenerational mediation in healthcare.
Practice how to mediate a multi-party mediation, develop insight mediation skills and evaluate client’s needs and interventions during the intake meeting with client, family and other selected participants.