2 -weeks (40 academic credit hours)
Live Session Schedule: Lectures Tuesdays 9:00 PM – 8:30 PM EST, role play sessions (mandatory), Wednesdays 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM EST.
From family law to criminal law, challenges that are prevalent with the elderly often involve rights and obligations under the law including end of life decisions. Learn the fundamentals of family law as it pertains to spouses and domestic partners and their financial matters.
Capacity issues and guardianship issues are common challenges in family relationships. It is important to understand the various nuances of capacity and its capability to be a fluid state and the repercussion of loss of decision making by an individual whether it is from a loss of a driver’s licences to a loss of the ability to make decisions over finances or personal health care.
Become familiar with the unique ethical issues that a mediator can face when one’s own compassion is engaged in the struggles of the family. These include decisions chronic illnesses that may lead a client to turn to MAID and the effect that decision has on family members. And finally, how to draft a memo of understanding for the parties as a way to move forward on their agreements and issues regarding enforceability of their agre