Your education is one of the most important investments you’ll make in your lifetime, and like many students, you may need assistance with paying for tuition. Our educational funding specialists will help you navigate the different funding options that may be available to you, such as:
All provinces offer financial aid in the form of student loans.* Student loans are specifically designed to help make tuition and fees affordable to those who qualify. Some provinces may also offer grants to eligible students.
Our educational funding departments stand ready to provide you with information and assist you with the application process.
*Loan eligibility and awards may vary by province.
Self-funding all, or part of your education, is one of the best ways to invest in your future. Perhaps you’ve set aside money over the years (such as in an RRSP or RESP) or you’re planning to work while in school. Your family and relatives can also be a source of financial support.
Students in participating provinces may be eligible for government funding.
A student line of credit gives you access to funds that you can use to pay for tuition and other expenses.
With most student lines of credit, you only need to apply once, and the money is there for you to borrow as you need it. And in most cases, there are no annual or monthly fees—you pay interest only on what you borrow.
Several major banks offer lines of credit specially designed for students.
- BMO Student Line of Credit
- TD Student Line of Credit
- RBC Royal Credit Line for Students
- ScotiaLine Personal Line of Credit for Students
- CIBC Education Line of Credit
Herzing offers a variety of scholarships to qualifying students. Bursaries and grants may also be available through the provincial and federal governments.
The scholarships outlined below are available to eligible students at all our campuses. Check with your local campus for other scholarship opportunities.
Each year, up to $20,000 in William R. Rootham Scholarships will be awarded to selected students who are enrolling in technology programs such as networking or programming.
The scholarships will generally be for $1,000 and will be applied pro-rata over the length of the program.
Except for a sudden change in a student’s financial condition, the scholarship must be applied for prior to commencing classes at Herzing. An application may be obtained from the admissions department.
The scholarships are based on need. They will be awarded to applicants who require additional funding to cover either living expenses or tuition payments when available funding is less than total tuition and fees.
There are two awards in this category.
High School Faculty Scholarship Award: Each school is given the opportunity to award three scholarships annually to three students based on their own criteria. The maximum award is $1,000 for courses nine months or longer; for courses under nine months, the prospective student receives $500.
High School Graduate Scholarship Program: Students graduating from high school are eligible for a scholarship of $60 per month for the duration of a selected program. The student must submit an application and include a recommendation from a high school official.
The high school scholarships mentioned above apply to students who start a program at Herzing College within one year of graduating from high school.